Clinical Psychologist

Miguel has three great passions that rule his life: travel, sport and people. He has always tried to reconcile the three major aspects of his life so that it has more meaning.

Miguel defines his years by the countries he has visited: there, he allows himself to get to know and understand a little more about each culture, each tradition and community. And, truth be told, each experience increases his respect and admiration for human nature, and increases his taste for understanding it and wanting to work with it. I believe it is this dynamic that defines him: this perpetual love of knowledge, discovery, challenge, diversity, and the unshakeable conviction that many things in our lives have a transformative capacity, and that our happiness is dependent on this search and openness to this transformation.

Here, sport is a manifestation of many of these qualities, bringing out in us both our weaknesses and fears, as well as the resources that drive us to be better and greater than we ever imagined.

His professional career is therefore marked by intervention in the area of sport/performance, but also in the area of well-being, change, growth and personal challenge.

Miguel has an integrated master's degree in Clinical Psychology from ISPA (2013), a postgraduate degree in Sports and Health Psychology, also from ISPA (2016), and has experience working with adolescents and adults from many different areas and cultures. She is a full member of the Order of Psychologists

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